Skin resurfacing is a procedure to reduce facial wrinkles and blemishes while correcting uneven pigmentation. It removes skin layer by layer, leaving you with a tighter, younger-looking face that is smoother and firmer.

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of aging and are often exacerbated by factors such as sun exposure, heredity and lifestyle. Acne scars and changes in skin pigmentation can cause irregularities such as brown spots and blotchiness.
Skin resurfacing works by stripping away old layers of skin, which promotes new growth. It can reduce or eliminate facial wrinkles caused by sun damage or aging, wrinkles around the mouth and eyelids, “crow’s feet” around the eyes, acne and chicken pox scars, liver spots, warts, birthmarks, superficial scars and precancerous skin growths.
You may be a candidate for skin resurfacing if you are in good physical health and have realistic expectations for surgery. Candidates should also be nonsmokers. Often, skin resurfacing is performed in conjunction with a facelift or eyelid surgery.
Types of Skin Resurfacing
There are several different techniques used for skin resurfacing. One of the most popular involves the use of lasers. This procedure, also known as laser peel, laser vaporization or lasabrasion, utilizes short, concentrated, pulsing beams of light targeted at areas of irregular skin. It removes the epidermis, or outer layer, while heating up the underlying skin to stimulate collagen growth.
Dermabrasion uses a small, spinning wheel with a sandpaper-like surface to remove the outer layers of skin. It is similar to scraping a knee and heals in a like manner.
Am I a Good Candidate for Skin Resurfacing?
The team at Lake Jackson Medical Spa recommends a skin resurfacing treatment if you have skin care concerns related to acne, age, or sun exposure that over-the-counter medication hasn’t been able to solve.
You might also consider a skin resurfacing treatment if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Crow’s feet
- Sagging skin
- Acne scars
- Age spots
- Skin tone unevenness
- Oil gland enlargement
- Warts
Your doctor works closely with you to make sure that your skin tone, along with your overall health, make you a good candidate for skin resurfacing treatment.
You should avoid skin resurfacing treatment if you’re currently experiencing an acne breakout. It’s preferable to get this treatment done during cold months to limit sun exposure.
How Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Work?
The primary goal of laser skin resurfacing treatment is to stimulate your body’s natural production of collagen. To do so, Dr. Herrera uses an ICON laser to target both the outer layer of skin while simultaneously heating the lower layers. The more collagen is produced, the smoother and firmer your skin will feel.
In the weeks leading up to the treatment, your doctor gives you a skin care treatment that increases your skin’s sensitivity.
When your skin has been sufficiently prepared for the procedure, you’ll go into the office to begin your treatment. Dr. Herrera gives you a topical anesthetic for comfort.
She then cleans the treatment area to remove any oil, dirt, or bacteria. Once the area is cleaned, Dr. Herrera uses the ICON laser to target the areas of the skin you discussed during your initial consultation.
Once the session is over, the treatment area is wrapped up to protect it from environmental factors.
Many factors go into the way your skin looks. At Lake Jackson Medical Spa in Lake Jackson, Texas, Stephanie Herrera, MD, works closely with women to help them eliminate the presence of unwanted skin issues through comprehensive and effective laser skin resurfacing treatment. Get in touch with the office today by phone or online to learn more.
Call Lake Jackson Med Spa at (979) 217-3712 for more information or to schedule an appointment.